မဟာခ်ဴလာတကၠသုိလ္တြင္ (M.A)မာစတာတက္လုိသူမ်ားအတြက္
Qualifications for Admission
The applicants are expected to possess the following
1. Hold a B.A./B.Ed./B.Sc./B.Com. degree from any accredited institution inside the country, with a GPA of at least 2.50 out of 4.0except for applicants who have worked continuously for three years after graduation, or any education equivalent to the Bachelor’s Degree; or hold a B.A./B.Ed./B.Sc./B.Com. degree from any foreign accredited institution with a second class, or with education which is equivalent to second class;,
2. Have never been dismissed from the Graduate School;
3. Gained a minimum of 500 score report for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or graduated with a Bachelor’s Degreefrom an institution where English is a medium of instruction.
Duration of Education
Students in the Programme are required to attend classes for a minimum of four full semesters, but not longer than 10 full semesters.
If a student does not graduate within the above time-limit, he/she may be with the approval of Graduate School Committeegiven an extension not longer than 2 full semesters.
Application Form and Examination Fees
The application form and examination fees are Baht 1,500 (US $ 11)
Application for Admission
A. For Thai Applicants
Thai applicants who are interested in enrollment in the Programme must complete the application form and submit it to the International M.A. Programe Office, Room No. A 400, Classrooms Building, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Lam Sai, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya 13170, Thailand, Tel. 0-3524-8000 Ext. 8052, 8501.
In addition to the completed application form, the applicants must also submit the following documents:
1. One copy of the official transcript of Bachelor’s Degree;
2. Two recommendation letters from the applicant’s former teachers, or any person who is well-known to the academic field; and
3. Two copies of the Official Certificate (Nang Sue Suddhi) for Monks & Novices, Citizen Identity Card or Official Identity Card and two recent 11/2 inch-sized photographs.
B. For Foreign Applicants
Foreign applicants currently living in Thailand should also submit, to the same Office, the following documents:
1. One copy of the official transcript of a Bachelor’s Degree;
2. Two recommendation letters from the applicant’s former teachers, or any person who is well-known to the academic field; and
3. Two copies of the passport and two recent passport-sized photographs.
For foreign applicants living abroad, the above required documents should be submitted to the above address during December 21March 6, 2010
Duration and Place of Application for Admission
1. Foreign applicants currently residing in Thailand should submit the application form to the International M.A. Programe Office, Room No. A 400, Classrooms Building, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Lam Sai, Wang Noi, Ayutthaya 13170 during December 21 March 6, 2010.
2. For those living abroad, the submission of application form and all necessary documents have to be made at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University during December 21 March 6, 2010. The candidates are advised to provide a fax number and E-mail address so that the communication can be easily reached.
Entrance Examination
A. For Thai Candidates
Thai candidates are required to pass both written and oral examinations to be admitted to the International M.A. Programme of Graduate School. The Graduate School administers an entrance examination to determine the candidates’ proficiency in the following subjects:
1. General knowledge
2. English
3. Specific Subject in Buddhist studies
B. For Foreign Candidates
Foreign candidates are required to fulfill same procedure as Thai Candidates
1. He/she should submit one of the following academic papers not more than 2000 words.
1.1 Buddhist Ethics and Environment
1.2 Buddhist Approach towards World Peace
1.3 Buddhism and Politics
2. He/she living abroad has to pass an interview which will be held by the representatives of Committee of MCU during first week of April.
Entering the Country
1. Prior to entering Thailand, foreign candidates being accepted must obtain a letter from the Graduate School to be presented to the Thai Embassy or Consulate authorities, so that they can obtain a proper Student Visa or Non-Immigrant Visa. The Tourist Visa is not sufficient.
2. Entering Thailand without the proper Visa will necessitate exit and re-entry.
3. Notification:: The applicants who are accepted by the Graduate School Committee will be put on the name-list before May.
Copyright by Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Internatonal Programme. Wang Noi, Ayutthaya. Thailand
E-mail: imapsecretary@mcu.ac.th,inter_imap@yahoo.com,
Tel. 035-248-000#8501,8052
For 2012 Academic year
3rd March, 2012 – Close Applicants Period
16th March, 2012 - Written Exam
(2Subject, Buddhism and English Composition & Grammar)
17th March, 2012 – Interview (General Knowledge)
MMSA ဘေလာ့စည္းမ်ဥ္းမ်ား
* ဘာသာ သာသနာနွင့္လူမ်ိဳးတုိ႕၏ ဂုဏ္ကုိ ထိခုိက္ပ်က္စီးေစတတ္ေသာ အေရးအသားမ်ိဳးကုိ ေရွာင္ရွားရန္၊
* အခ်င္းခ်င္း ညီညြတ္မွဳ႕ကုိ ပ်က္စီးေစတတ္ေသာ အေၾကာင္းမ်ားကုိ ေရးသားျခင္းမွ ေရွာင္ရွားရန္၊
* သာသနာႏွင့္ မအပ္စပ္ေသာ အဖြဲ႕ဂုဏ္သိကၡာကုိ ျငိဳးႏြမ္းေစတတ္ေသာ ပုံမ်ားကုိတင္ျခင္းမွ ေရွာင္ရွားရန္၊
* ပုဂၢိဳလ္ေရးဆုိင္ရာမ်ားထက္ အမ်ားႏွင့္သက္ဆုိင္ေသာ အက်ိဳးမ်ားေစႏိုင္ေသာ ပုံမ်ား စာမ်ားကုိသာ ေရးသားရန္၊
* MMSAသည္ ပညာေရးအဖြဲ႕စည္း ျဖစ္သည့္ အတြက္ႏုိင္ငံေရးႏွင့္သက္ဆုိင္ေသာ အေရးအသားမ်ားကုိ ေရးျခင္းမွ ေရွာင္ရွားရန္၊
* ဗုဒၶဘာသာႏွင့္ မိမိတုိ႕ေလ့လာေနေသာ ပညာရပ္ဆုိင္ရာ အေၾကာင္းအရာမ်ားကုိ ဗဟုသုတအလုိ႕ငွါ ေရးသား မွ်ေ၀ၾကရန္၊
* အခ်င္းခ်င္း ညီညြတ္မွဳ႕ကုိ ပ်က္စီးေစတတ္ေသာ အေၾကာင္းမ်ားကုိ ေရးသားျခင္းမွ ေရွာင္ရွားရန္၊
* သာသနာႏွင့္ မအပ္စပ္ေသာ အဖြဲ႕ဂုဏ္သိကၡာကုိ ျငိဳးႏြမ္းေစတတ္ေသာ ပုံမ်ားကုိတင္ျခင္းမွ ေရွာင္ရွားရန္၊
* ပုဂၢိဳလ္ေရးဆုိင္ရာမ်ားထက္ အမ်ားႏွင့္သက္ဆုိင္ေသာ အက်ိဳးမ်ားေစႏိုင္ေသာ ပုံမ်ား စာမ်ားကုိသာ ေရးသားရန္၊
* MMSAသည္ ပညာေရးအဖြဲ႕စည္း ျဖစ္သည့္ အတြက္ႏုိင္ငံေရးႏွင့္သက္ဆုိင္ေသာ အေရးအသားမ်ားကုိ ေရးျခင္းမွ ေရွာင္ရွားရန္၊
* ဗုဒၶဘာသာႏွင့္ မိမိတုိ႕ေလ့လာေနေသာ ပညာရပ္ဆုိင္ရာ အေၾကာင္းအရာမ်ားကုိ ဗဟုသုတအလုိ႕ငွါ ေရးသား မွ်ေ၀ၾကရန္၊

ပုိ႕စ္တင္သူ ။.............။
Thursday, 15 March 2012
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